Pining for Rome

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Link Love: Real Spaghetti Carbonara

Look up "pleasure" in the dictionary, and you are sure to find "eating in Italy." Food is fresh, prepared simply, and truly sensual. Each region cooks a bit differently -- rich, earthy foods in Tuscany including cingale (wild boar) and truffles, incredible sea food in Venice with lighter flavors and hints of both Austrian and Middle Eastern influences. But in Rome -- Rome is home to my favorite pasta dish: Spaghetti Carbonara. It is rich, creamy, and sexy...

My husband makes an excellent rendition -- comfort food when I'm feeling blue. But there has always been just a little something missing: guanciale. Blogger and chef, Jerad, posted this week about that magical ingredient, how to make it, and how to use it. You can bet I'll be putting up some pork jowls soon! Check out his blog, One Hungry Chef, and enjoy his recipe for Spaghetti Carbonara.

One Hungry Chef: The Real Thing ( view on Google Sidewiki)