I Heart... Fun 'n Games

We are a game-playing family.
I learned how to lose playing Chutes and Ladders.

We play dominos with my maternal grandparents, and have fantastic games of Mexican Train. My paternal grandparents have always been into word games, and we have had some great matches of Upwords at their house.
I love playing Apples to Apples, and we had a fantastic game with all of my sisters (ages 9 - 31) over Christmas.

My sister, Lisa, beats the pants off of me daily at Word Twist. But I go back for more day after day because we can play it on Facebook despite the fact that we are 2000 miles apart.

By the way, are you my friend on Facebook? If not, friend me (Angela K. Nickerson)!

My favorite game: Scrabble. Hands down. Bar none. At our New Years gathering we taught Lily (age 9) to play, and she is a formidable opponent. Yikes!

And when I travel I tend to take games with me. There's nothing better than a card game to pass the time when stuck in an airport or on a rainy evening in a hotel. Plus, a good game inspires conversation, laughter, and great memories.

What games do you play with your family?

Play on!
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