Google has created a new feature for iGoogle users called "Following." It is a VERY easy way to keep up with your favorite blogs, and has simplified my reading life significantly.
I used to subscribe to blogs via email and rss feeds. That was great, but my list of blogs to follow keeps getting longer and longer --and I found I was missing some of the best posts. Those methods became quite cumbersome.
Enter Following .
Now on my Blogger dashboard I have a handy list of blogs which I am Following (as of today: 33 different blogs). I can keep tabs on which blogs are updated and even get a snippet of the blog post to see if it is something which interests me. I love it! And the blogs do not have to be Blogger blogs -- you can Follow any platform. For those of you who I am following, I am reading much more of your work! Well done!
And because I am really busy, it is important for me to stay up-to-date without much effort or energy. Following has allowed me to do that much more easily!
To start following: click "Follow this Blog" in the sidebar. You can choose to follow publicly -- everyone will know that you do -- or privately (you will be the only one in the know).
Follow me and learn how to Follow . If you have a blog, invite your readers to do the same! Heck! You might have Followers of your own and not even know it yet!