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Photo Friday: Encounters in Ireland

I've had more than my fair share of good animal encounters here in Ireland.  Here are just a few photos from the last two weeks...

These guys were munching grass on the Hill of Tara...

As the sun was setting along a little country road, this swan went out for a swim...

And we came upon this swan family with three signets, too.

One of the birds at the Ireland School of Falconry...

My traveling companion, Leslie, with Killary, the hawk we took out on the Hawk Walk...

Not all of the animals are flesh and bone.  Look at the dog on the back of this deer from the Market Cross in Kells...

And on the Hill of Tara there's a church with this scene... a family praying including the dog under the table.

What better place to graze than at an old Abbey?  This lovely cow was munching on grass at Fore Abbey amongst the wild iris. 

Happy Friday!
Thanks to all of you who joined me from's Photo Friday.