I Heart... Brides [Updated with a Key]
I am truly a romantic at heart, and I love a good wedding! And every once in a while I run into a wedding party when I am traveling. Once in Japan I was invited to crash a wedding by the bride's rather inebriated father! It was one of the coolest experiences I've ever had. So, today as wedding season quickly approaches, I pay homage to a few of the brides I've snapped...
In Piazza della Signoria (Florence)...
Now, a quick quiz: one of the photos in this group is from MY wedding. Can you guess which one? Leave a comment below!
In Piazza della Signoria (Florence)...
In the American Baptist Church in Rome...
In Faribault, Minnesota... yes, that's me!
In Big Horn, Wyoming...
Updated: Thanks to all of you who played along! Ciao!
PS: All next week we'll be cruising. Make sure you stop by on Monday for the launch of Italy Cruise Week...
Thanks to all of you who are visiting