Pining for Rome

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I Heart... Brides [Updated with a Key]

I am truly a romantic at heart, and I love a good wedding! And every once in a while I run into a wedding party when I am traveling. Once in Japan I was invited to crash a wedding by the bride's rather inebriated father! It was one of the coolest experiences I've ever had. So, today as wedding season quickly approaches, I pay homage to a few of the brides I've snapped...

In Piazza della Signoria (Florence)...
In the American Baptist Church in Rome...
On the Campidoglio in Rome...
In front of Ghiberti's doors in Florence...

In front of the Pantheon in Rome...
In Faribault, Minnesota... yes, that's me!
Near Santa Maria in Cosmedin in Rome...
In Big Horn, Wyoming... 
  And once again on the Campidoglio in Rome...  
Now, a quick quiz:  one of the photos in this group is from MY wedding.  Can you guess which one?  Leave a comment below!  
Updated:  Thanks to all of you who played along! Ciao!
PS:  All next week we'll be cruising.  Make sure you stop by on Monday for the launch of Italy Cruise Week... 
Thanks to all of you who are visiting 