Must See Museums: The Louvre in Minneapolis
What a fall for art in the US! I've previously blogged about finding
Michelangelo in New York and Ft. Worth as well as
Caravaggio in Chicago. Well, now add Minneapolis to your list of cities to visit this fall.
Personally, I love Minneapolis -- the sculpture garden, the Minnesota Orchestra, the downtown Dayton's (now Macy's) -- Minneapolis is a fabulous city. And this fall there's one more reason to love Minneapolis: the Minneapolis Institute of Arts is host The Louvre and the Masterpiece, a special exhibit. Featuring works by greats including Georges de La Tour, Johannes Vermeer, Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo amongst others, the exhibit explores one of art's enduring questions: why is this piece better than that one?
The exhibit opened October 18 and is on until January 10, 2010. I'm headed there in November, and you can expect a full report!
You can download the exhibit audioguide from the MIA website for FREE! That's right! You can rent it at the museum for $4 or download it before you go and listen on your phone or iPod for free. Very cool!
In reference to: MIA - The Louvre and the Masterpiece ( view on Google Sidewiki)
* Images courtesy of the Minneapolis Institute of Arts.
Personally, I love Minneapolis -- the sculpture garden, the Minnesota Orchestra, the downtown Dayton's (now Macy's) -- Minneapolis is a fabulous city. And this fall there's one more reason to love Minneapolis: the Minneapolis Institute of Arts is host The Louvre and the Masterpiece, a special exhibit. Featuring works by greats including Georges de La Tour, Johannes Vermeer, Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo amongst others, the exhibit explores one of art's enduring questions: why is this piece better than that one?
The exhibit opened October 18 and is on until January 10, 2010. I'm headed there in November, and you can expect a full report!
- $16 Adults, weekends
- $14 Adults, weekdays (including Thursday nights)
- $12 Students, seniors, adult groups
- $8 Children 6-12
- Free to children 5 and under, student and children's groups, and members
You can download the exhibit audioguide from the MIA website for FREE! That's right! You can rent it at the museum for $4 or download it before you go and listen on your phone or iPod for free. Very cool!
In reference to: MIA - The Louvre and the Masterpiece ( view on Google Sidewiki)
* Images courtesy of the Minneapolis Institute of Arts.