Pining for Rome

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Photo Friday: Happy Birthday, Lisa!

More than a few years ago, I got the best Christmas present ever:  a sister!  I was 4 years old, and it was truly the most exciting event in my life.  I had a hard time being patient, and the doctor told my parents that she was going to be a boy. But I knew.  I knew she was a girl.  I knew she would be a wonderful friend.  I knew she would be the sister I'd always wanted.  And I was right!

We grew up traveling together because our family always lived so far away.  And now we are separated by thousands of miles, so seeing each other is always a journey.  But it is always a journey worth making (you might remember, for example, that I blogged about her wedding   in Alabama).  She was the best Christmas present ever.  

Today is my sister's birthday, so Happy Birthday, Lisa!

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Oh!  And my mom gets the photo credit for both of these pictures. 

Don't forget:  we are in the midst of the 12 Travel Books for Christmas.  Later today number 3 will be posted.  Subscribe or become a follower to find out as soon as it is posted.  
And to those of you stopping by from Photo Friday , Ciao!  Come back soon!